You’ve more than likely took a hiatus because you embarrassed your parents and lost your job. Other than gay marriage, the only difference between bush and Obama was affiliation title. Both are war criminals and Obama dropped a bomb every 20 minutes for eight years. In fact trump is the only potus in our lifetime that hasn’t started a war plus let’s not forget the Abraham accords. CRT is a divisive ideology of oppressed and oppressor which utilizes melanin content level as an identifier, therefore it is by definition racist. Groomers in schools are the reason Biden attempted to use the patriot act on convened parents. Veterans should be employed by the states to protect our children. Masks are nothing more than splash guards according to peer reviewed studies. Gene therapies fall short of natural immunity plus they render you incapable of donating plasma to save the lives. Only the plasma from natural occurring immunity can save the lives of the folks that have been coerced to take an experimental gene therapy. The Christian faith is exactly what made this nation exceptional. Extinguishing an innocent life by any other description is still murder. The second amendment relates to the ability to overthrow a tyrannical government, not shooting for fun. Therefore military equivalent is clearly their definition in the constitution. Patriots are the majority and the komrades are clearly the minority. Man made climate change is nothing but a farce. The constitutional USA is the greatest system because it is a republic founded on individual liberties whereas the minority has unalienable rights as well. Unlike a democracy which is majority rule with no minority rights. The only thing democratic is our process of elections. Returning abortion law back to the states should be supported by those in favor of democracies so it can remain on the ballot where constituents can vote their conscience. This experiment we call a constitutional republic is the greatest experiment of individual liberties ever began and it is far from over. Unfortunately as history shows, there are factions that tear her down while others build her up. In the end god wins but in the meantime patriots will shine light into the darkest of days so prosperity can still be achievable by all future American citizens in this great nation.

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As usual this is so, so good and I agree with every word of it (until the very last sentence. I want lots of changes to the American system but I think it’s probably still the best?). Thank you for this beautifully articulated piece, I am sharing it with lots of people. Xo

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By any objective definition, it’s a post-truth cult at this point. One is either a member or not a member of it. It’s so sad to see fellow Americans talked about as less than humans and/or the enemy, which is the simply state of discourse today for one side.

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